Babygirl is doing fine now days.  She is still ruling the household.  She goes to the beauty shop every 4-5 weeks and get a new do.  But, with cooler weather coming on, she will probably prefer to have the longer mane for a while.


The Wroten Pages
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What's New

We have had a great beginning to Fall.  Both kids are in band and are doing a great job.  They are in the symphonic band presently.

And, Katy is enjoying Girl Scouts with the same girls that were in the original, but larger group when she started.

Will is enjoying playing some sort of sport in a neighbor's yard ever afternoon with the boys from the subdivision.

Scouting & Secrets

It seems that Will has been taught, obviously by my brother, to keep things he finds in the deer woods, TO HIMSELF, because whatever he has found, he isn't sharing.  It's my land, but his deer, apparently.

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